I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for.
Georgia O'Keefe

The Creative Process
When I lived abroad I taught art education for adolescents in an international school. This experience was a turning point for me as I noticed how spontaneity in image making provided a therapeutic support for the students. Creating art enabled the voicing and sharing of feelings and thoughts that may have been difficult to express in other circumstances.
This inspiring experience led me to further my studies and embark on a Masters in Integrative Arts Psychotherapy.
I work with image making, as well as using images, dreams, metaphors, visualization, written word and other different creative modes of expression. The creative mode of expression is determined according to what is preferred by each individual. This kind of creative exploration supports deeper insights, cultivation of awareness and facilitates therapeutic goals.
Integrative Arts Therapy
I believe that creative exploration through the arts can be a powerful tool in the therapeutic process. Successful therapy can also be achieved through a creative and compassionate approach, which is not limited to only using the arts. Even when working online, the process can be creative, for example using metaphors and other creative tools, to explore issues that arise.
“But I can’t draw!” is something I often hear. There are no skills necessary to express oneself. It is the process that counts and not the end result.
“Is it okay if I don’t want to use the arts?“ For some, talking therapy alone may be a more comfortable and familiar approach, and that is absolutely fine. A creative approach in therapy is not limited to only using the arts.